The SJHL's Melville Millionaires held their 2021 annual general meeting last night (Thurs), via Zoom.
At the meeting, Tammy Stevenson was acclaimed as President of the organization.
"My first year as President was in the middle of a pandemic, so that was pretty different but we were able to work through that difference situation as a group and now I'm excited for the fresh season here in the Fall."
Four others will remain on the board with Renee Waldbauer & Steve Sutton remaining as 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents' respectively, Dawn Melnychuk staying on as Governor, and Tara Badduke as Secretary.
Mils' alumni Len Wassill will step into a newly-created role as Alumni & Education Liaison.
"Len is a Mils' alumni, and he is passionate of the hockey club and I think with this new position he will excel and help take this organization to the next level."
"Len is a Mils' alumni, and he is passionate of the hockey club and I think with this new position he will excel and help take this organization to the next level."
Long-time Treasurer Charlotte Poier stepped down from her position, and the Mils' board decided they'll be using an outside organization "Options' Accounting Solutions" to handle the books going forward.
There will be three more Members' at Large positions to fill out the Mils' board, and those will be filled at a later date.
Financially the final audit report for the 2020/21 year end was not available yet as of meeting time but Stevenson said with the gracious grant from the provincial government and some other fundraising projects they've had, they are in not bad shape.
"The grant money definitely did help with the full season we didn't have and the lack of attendance and I wouldn't say we are in a bad position but we need to make sure we continue with our fundraising and make sure we continue to work with our community and sponsors with their support and make sure that remains strong."
2021/22 Melville Millionaires' Board of Directors (as of May 28th)
President: Tammy Stevenson
Governor: Dawn Melnychuk
1st Vice-President: Renee Waldbauer
2nd Vice-President: Steve Sutton
Secretary: Tara Badduke
Alumni & Education Liaison: Len Wassill
Members at Large (3):
President: Tammy Stevenson
Governor: Dawn Melnychuk
1st Vice-President: Renee Waldbauer
2nd Vice-President: Steve Sutton
Secretary: Tara Badduke
Alumni & Education Liaison: Len Wassill
Members at Large (3):
To be named at later date
GX94's Benny Walchuk chatted with Mils' President Tammy Stevenson about the AGM and the future.
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