(Top Row: Dalton Menke, Tyler Kreklewich, Tanner Kyle, Brennen Miller, Drew Litwin, Ben Mack, Trevor Martin. Bottom row: Matt Carr, Lane Harbor, Reed Murray, Adam Koopman)
**Picture compliments of Tania Bomberak
Molson's Award for Top Scorer- Lane Harbor
Fred McLean Memorial Trophy to the Most Gentlemanly Player- Matt Carr
Bob Parker Memorial Trophy to "Mr Hustle"- Drew Litwin & Tyler Kreklewich
Tom Dooley Memorial Trophy to the Most Improved Player- Matt Carr & Ben Mack
Don & Vi Kilbach Memorial Scholastic Award- Tyler Kreklewich
3 Star Player Award- Lane Harbor
Edward Wozniak Memorial Award for Unsung Hero- Dalton Menke & Adam Koopman
Cheerful Spirit & Co-Operative Attitude Award- Adam Koopman
Richard Mann Memorial Trophy for Best Playoff Performer- Trevor Martin
Bell Kreklewich & Co. Law Office Most Popular Player Award- Ben Mack
Swannie & Shirley Cox & Phyllis Sanftleben Memorial Trophy for Rookie of the Year- Drew Litwin, Tanner Kyle and Brennen Miller
Vaughn Motter Memorial Trophy for Best Forward- Reed Murray and Lane Harbor
Gerald Wassill Memorial Trophy for Best Defenceman- Ben Mack
Mel Sullivan Memorial Trophy for Most Valuable Player- Trevor Martin
The Mils also said goodbye to their 7- 20 year olds :

(Top Row: Matt Carr, Lane Harbor, Adam Koopman. Bottom Row: Jeff Hubic, Allen Kilback, Reed Murray, Landon Farrell)
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