The 2018-19 season will be the 50th Anniversary of the Saskatchewan Jr Hockey League under this circa.
Several items were discussed at the AGM held in Nipawin starting on May 31st with the SJHL Marketing meeting.
The SJHL draft was held on Friday morning with the 12 SJHL teams selecting 71 players from Saskatchewan. The SJHL provides a great hockey experience for players in Jr A hockey.
As the SJHL moves towards the 18-19 hockey season, the 12 teams of the SJHL will continue to discuss how the Humboldt Broncos will be assisted with players. The SJHL hopes to have this completed within the next few weeks.
The SJHL Assistance Program was discussed based on how the program was created and the partners involved.
Co-op helped kick start the Assistance Program with a financial support from both Federated Co-op and the Co-op retail stores.
Meyers Norris Penny (MNP), with the assistance of Co-op, became partners in the Assistance program to provide financial governance and transparency.
Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer (BD&P) LLP, having previous working relationships with the CJHL and Junior A hockey leagues, became partners to provide legal advice for the assistance program.
The Red Cross became involved in the Assistance program to provide support by creating initial computer programs for SJHL team’s coaches and their players, parents, billet families. The Red Cross programming is a computer self-assessment tool for individuals.
The program objectives are to provide/create better awareness for mental health, in the SJHL initially.
A scholarship program will be started for graduating players, if funding is available for players that have completed their Jr A hockey experience in remembrance of the 16 lives that have been lost.
A goal, if funding is available would be to have a concussion program and the mental health program expanded for Jr A teams in Canada.
Discussions were held on a league wide pay to play model, with the idea being rejected, although a decision was made to allow 1 team to be a pilot project in being a pay to play team within the SJHL with some of the findings being forwarded to the league for discussion at the fall SJHL meetings.
The SJHL League showcase will be held in Warman from September 25, 26, 27 and 28th.
The SJHL/MJHL showcase will be held in the Co-operators Center, Regina Jan 14th and 15th 2019.
The SJHL will be pursuing an effort to recognize Indigenous players that have helped create the history of the SJHL. This will be accomplished with determining at least 1 player from each team past or present to assist with this effort.
The Hockey leagues in North America adopted the Declaration of Principles. Each league is to recognize a team that best exemplifies the Principles. The CJHL will be recognizing the Humboldt Broncos as the team that best exemplified the Declaration of Principles in the CJHL in 2017-18.(see attached Declaration of Principles)
(SJHL Press Release)
AGM Recap with SJHL President Bill Chow:
Chow on the weekend, assistance for Humboldt and the SJHL Assistance program:
Chow on potentially development of SJHL Scholarship program:
Chow on Pay-to Play discussions:
Chow on return of SJHL Showcase (in Warman) & SJHL/MJHL Showcase in Regina:
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